Friday, April 10, 2009

What Was It Like...

John 18:1-19:42 see your innocent friend put to death as a criminal? What was it like to hear the people shouting, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" What we in modern times would say, "Kill him! or She doesn't deserve to live!" What was it like to deny that you ever knew this man even though you walked countless miles with him, shared meals with him, and laughed with him?

It must have been painfully difficult for Peter to witness the trial, torture, and crucifixion of his friend. What we call "Good Friday" was not such a good day for Peter. And to think, Jesus gave this very one the "Keys to the Kingdom." Peter, the one who drew his sword to defend his friend, denies him and watches him die. He must have cried that night.

And after? After Jesus died? What then? What an incredible emptiness! We have all felt the suffering of emptiness in our lives when someone close to us dies. When I was a freshman in high school a friend, Brandel, suddenly died and it rocked me to my very core. I still miss him. I left a part of me in the tomb with him. I shudder to think about what life will be like if family or friends leave this life before me. I suspect that the family and friends of Jesus felt the same way. I imagine that his mother's heart broke as she witnessed her son's death. No parent should loose their child, let alone the way Mary lost hers! He was gone. He died. And by the kindness of a secret disciple they were able to bury him.

Today on our journey, let yourself come close to death. Hold its hand and contemplate what it would be like if you were Peter, Mary, Joseph of Arimathea, or even Judas. (Did he know it would go that far?) Imagine what it would be like to deny or loose the person you love most. Think about what it would be like to freely offer your treasure to those who grieve. Jesus, our friend, is dead...

...but not for long.

Journey with me...

Pax Tecum!

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