Monday, April 13, 2009

The Season of Easter, The Season of Resurrection!

For us, Easter does not end with a single day or a single celebration. From now until Pentecost we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Everyday we will celebrate the Mass in worship of our risen King who reigns in our hearts for the salvation of the world!

"The crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus teaches that in Jesus Christ, human existence is not just continued. It is transformed... this human existence can be transformed in the paschal mystery into something magnificent, something that eye has not seen and ear has not heard.

By his dying on the cross and his rising to a transformed human life, Jesus has opened the door for us. He has shown us the way to follow.

To appreciate what we celebrate at Easter, I can think about the people I have known who have died...

When I think of them... and take in all the symbols of Easter... then a full realization and hope can come over me: Those who die in Christ are still with us in a living bond, and love still runs back and forth between us."

--The Little White Book Ten Minute Reflections on the Resurrection Narrative of Mark

Thinking on this brings me great comfort to know that our common baptism connects us in a "living bond" even after death. When I think of this living bond of love, I think about my great-great grandfather Richard H. Swaggart "Paw Bud" who was the first person in my family that I can remember dying and how I wish I could have known him better; I think of Brandel Johnson, a boy whose smile left the world far to quickly; I think about Annie Mae Swaggart who fervently prayed for her family; I imagine Walon Mobley giving me a toothy grin and how his hair was always perfect. I can still hear his laugh; I feel W. J. Kidd's painful pinch! I loved getting to know him. He was always patient with us boys.

And the list goes on and on...

...and we have hope! Hope that these ones, and all the saints, reside in the presence of God and smile on us, pray for us, and will welcome us when our turn to cross the plans of death come. What fear then should we have of anything? "Fear not!" the late John Paul II tells us. Our pastor is correct.

Journey with us... the Fire is warm and waiting.

Pax Tecum!

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